Coping Through The Holidays 2023
The holidays can prove to be a difficult time of year for anyone grieving.This gathering will be a supportive community event focused onproviding coping strategies, resources as well as discussing ways tonavigate the holiday season alone or with loved ones. There will be acandle lighting ceremony, and a brief memorial for those grieving thedeath of a loved one.
The event is facilitated by the Vancouver HospiceBereavement Counselling Team and is open to Vancouver residents.
Where: Celebration Hall – 5445 Fraser Street, Vancouver
When: November 30th – 7:00pm – 9:00pm
No charge to participate – Registration is required
To register, please email:
For more information, please contact:
phone: 604-737-7305 ext 226
Download: Coping Through The Holidays 2023
Events Listing
“Somewhere in us a dignity presides that is more gracious than the smallness
that fuels us with fear and force; a dignity that trusts the form a day takes.”
John O’Donohue